we hove been involved with the following:
- Pipelinesouth-west UAE .
- Explorationfield activity in Saudi Arabia.
- They include the remaining phases of south Pars gosfield (shored with Qatar) Forzod gosfield (shored with Saudi Arabia), Salmon oil field (shored with UAE, Forouzon and Esfondiyor oil field (shored with Saudi Arabia) all situated in Persoin Gulf Waters.
- Qatar AI Karkoro and A structural field development project
AI Kholeej north development project Phose Ill
- Field development project AI Royyon field (Block 12)
- Field development project AI Kheleejgoss project (AKG) Phose I
- Gas project:AI-Khaleej gas project phase 2 (AKG 2) Dolphin Energy has completed the commissioning of early gas facilities in August 2009 at gas receiving station associated with Taweelah-Fujairah gas pipeline.
- The 240km Taweelah-Fujairah gas pipeline will carry gas from the Taweelah gas terminal on the Persian Gulf Coast to treatment facilities in the Emirate of Fujairah near the Oman boarder.
- In January 2010 UAE based construction firm Dodsal secured contracts worth over 160 million USD to construct two gas pipelines in Abu Dhabi, the first contract is for the replacement of a 100km, 36 inch diameter pipeline linking Abu Dhabi Gas Industries (GASCO) ThammaCproduction facilities in the North East to the firms Asab field in the South. The contact is worth in the region of 85 million USD.
- The second EPC contract includes construction of the 45 km, 48 inch diameter HirfaHabshan nitrogen pipeline part of the joint venture industrial gas scheme by Abu Dhabi Nation Oil Company (ADNOC) and Germany’s Linde in West Abu Dhabi, with the Habshan oil field located in the South of the capital.